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Isn’t this a great sketch this week from Cas(e) This Sketch?

I love the “large sentiment” for this sketch. How about a big HELLO! Such a great die to have in my stash!

I know it’s fall and the weather is getting colder, but I just love this Fresh Lemon color on this huge sentiment.

Once I used the bright yellow for the ink blending on this large sentiment, “sunshine” was the next choice for me.

It reminds me of my daughter waking my granddaughters up in the mornings. She always says “good morning sunshine”!

The stenciled stone background was done with Butternut Crisp Dye Ink. and the black rhinestones just give a little balance.

This was a great sketch from Cas(e) This Sketch #396 this week.

Thank you so much for spending part of your day here!


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